Tips for Engaging with Passive Candidates: Tactics for Successful Outreach


In the competitive landscape of tech recruitment, engaging with passive candidates (those not actively seeking new job opportunities) can be a game changer. These individuals often possess valuable skills and experiences that could benefit your organisation. However, reaching out to passive candidates requires a strategic approach to capture their interest and encourage them to consider exploring new career possibilities. In this blog, we'll explore effective tactics for engaging with passive candidates and building meaningful connections.

Understand Their Motivations

Before reaching out to passive candidates, it's essential to understand what motivates them in their current roles. Is it challenging projects, career growth opportunities, work-life balance, or a supportive company culture? Tailor your approach by highlighting aspects of your organisation that align with their priorities and career aspirations.

Personalise Your Outreach

Generic messages won't resonate with passive candidates. Take the time to personalise your outreach. Mention specific skills or experiences that caught your attention and explain why you believe they would be a great fit for your team. Show genuine interest in their career trajectory and how your company can contribute to their professional development.

Leverage Mutual Connections

Utilise your professional network to establish connections with passive candidates. A referral from a mutual acquaintance or colleague can significantly increase the likelihood of a positive response. Request introductions or mention shared connections in your outreach to establish credibility and trust.

Highlight Exciting Projects and Opportunities

Capture the interest of passive candidates by showcasing exciting projects, initiatives, or upcoming opportunities within your organisation. Highlight how their skills and expertise could contribute to meaningful impact and innovation. Paint a compelling picture of the professional growth potential they would experience by joining your team.

Offer Value Beyond Job Openings

Provide value beyond job opportunities. Share industry insights, thought leadership content, or invite passive candidates to participate in webinars or networking events hosted by your company. Position yourself as a valuable resource and trusted advisor in their professional journey.

Respect Their Current Situation

Passive candidates may not be actively looking for new roles due to various reasons, such as job satisfaction or personal commitments. Respect their current situation and timeline. Avoid being overly persistent or pushy in your communications. Instead, focus on building a genuine relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.

Maintain Ongoing Engagement

Establish continuous engagement with passive candidates through periodic follow-ups and updates. Share relevant news or developments about your organisation that might pique their interest over time. Keep the lines of communication open and be patient as they navigate their career paths.

Showcase Your Employer Brand

Your employer brand plays a crucial role in attracting passive candidates. Highlight your company's unique culture, values, employee benefits, and success stories. A compelling employer brand can differentiate your organisation and create a strong appeal for passive candidates considering a career change. If you want more infomation on how to create a compelling employer brand, please read our other blogs on our website "The Power of Employer Branding in Attracting Top Talent" and "Why Tech Scale-Ups Should Invest in EVPs". 

Engaging with passive candidates requires a thoughtful and personalised approach that demonstrates genuine interest, respect, and value. By understanding their motivations, leveraging personal connections, and highlighting exciting opportunities, you can build meaningful relationships and ultimately convert passive candidates into enthusiastic members of your tech team. Remember, patience and persistence coupled with a focus on mutual benefits will yield successful outcomes in engaging with passive talent in the tech industry.

 About Inspire People

We believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better and we love working with businesses whose technology or purpose has a positive impact. We help businesses that share our vision access the people, resources and strategic advice they need to achieve their digital transformation goals

Our service is designed to accelerate your digital growth. We created our offer in response to emerging challenges in an uncertain business landscape: a blend of Advisory, Talent and Project led services that will help you achieve your strategic aims and deliver more for your employees and customers. We’ll connect you to rare specialist talent, experts and insight to help you navigate your biggest challenges and remain competitive in a changed world.

Get in touch today to discover how working with us could help you innovate and grow.

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From Handshakes to Hires: The Impact of Networking on Recruitment

In the competitive landscape of tech recruitment, finding and engaging top talent is key to success. While online platforms and social media play crucial roles in connecting recruiters with potential candidates, there's still immense value in attending tech recruitment networking events. These events serve as fertile grounds for building relationships, gaining insights, and expanding professional networks. As an internal recruiter, investing time in attending these events can yield substantial benefits that translate into tangible recruitment advantages.

Here are some compelling reasons why tech recruiters should actively participate in networking events:

Access to Top Talent

Networking events attract a diverse pool of professionals ranging from seasoned experts to up-and-coming talents. Engaging in face-to-face conversations allows recruiters to identify candidates with the desired skill sets and cultural fit for their organisations. Direct interactions provide a deeper understanding of candidates beyond their resumes, enabling recruiters to assess potential matches more effectively.

Building Meaningful Connections

Networking events foster genuine relationships within the tech community. Establishing rapport with candidates, industry peers, and thought leaders can lead to mutually beneficial connections. These relationships often extend beyond individual events, creating a network of contacts that can be leveraged for future recruitment needs or industry insights.

Staying Informed about Industry Trends

Networking events are hubs of industry knowledge and innovation. Attending workshops, panel discussions, or keynote speeches allows recruiters to stay abreast of emerging technologies, market trends, and best practices in talent acquisition. This knowledge equips recruiters with valuable insights to tailor their recruitment strategies accordingly.

Showcasing Company Brand and Culture

Networking events provide recruiters with a platform to showcase their organisations brand and culture. By participating actively in discussions and presenting the company's unique value proposition, recruiters can attract potential candidates who resonate with the company's vision and values. This exposure helps in creating a positive employer brand that enhances recruitment efforts.

Learning from Peers and Experts

Interacting with fellow internal recruiters and industry experts at networking events offers a learning opportunity. Sharing experiences, strategies, and challenges can provide fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to recruitment. Collaborative learning fosters professional growth and equips recruiters with new tools to navigate the evolving tech recruitment landscape.

Enhancing Visibility and Credibility

Regular participation in events enhances a recruiter's visibility and credibility within the industry. Being recognised as an active participant and contributor reinforces trust among potential candidates. This visibility can attract passive candidates who are impressed by the recruiter's industry involvement.

Uncovering Hidden Talent Pools

Networking events often unveil hidden talent pools that may not be actively seeking job opportunities. Building relationships with attendees who are content in their current roles but open to new challenges can yield promising leads for future recruitment endeavours.

In conclusion, networking events offer recruiters a dynamic platform to connect, learn, and grow within the industry. By investing time and effort in attending these events, recruiters can access top talent, forge meaningful relationships, and stay ahead of industry trends. The benefits extend beyond immediate recruitment needs, contributing to the long-term success and credibility of recruitment efforts. Embracing networking events as integral components of recruitment strategies can significantly enhance a recruiter's effectiveness in identifying and securing the best talent for their organisations.

About Inspire People

We believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better and we love working with businesses whose technology or purpose has a positive impact. We help businesses that share our vision access the people, resources and strategic advice they need to achieve their digital transformation goals

Our service is designed to accelerate your digital growth. We created our offer in response to emerging challenges in an uncertain business landscape: a blend of Advisory, Talent and Project led services that will help you achieve your strategic aims and deliver more for your employees and customers. We’ll connect you to rare specialist talent, experts and insight to help you navigate your biggest challenges and remain competitive in a changed world.

Get in touch today to discover how working with us could help you innovate and grow.

Speak to our expert team on +44(0)20 7871 8550 or email

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Recruitment Revolution: Launching a Start-Up that Attracts Top Talent

The job market is fiercely competitive, particularly for start-ups seeking to carve out a place amongst established corporations. The talent pool has become global and more discerning, making the importance of attracting and retaining top talent more crucial than ever for the burgeoning start-up. This blog aims to be a comprehensive guide, offering insight into how start-ups can revolutionise their recruitment process to secure the industry's best and brightest.

Understanding the Start-Up Ecosystem

Start-ups are often defined by their agility, willingness to innovate, and potential for exponential growth. However, these characteristics also bring unique challenges in recruitment, such as limited resources and brand recognition. Moreover, company culture holds exceptional value within start-ups, as it often influences employee engagement and company loyalty in an environment where every member plays a critical role.

The start-up ecosystem is driven by a dynamic group of individuals and organisations, each with a fundamental role in nurturing entrepreneurial growth. Entrepreneurs and founders are at the heart of this ecosystem, embodying the drive, vision, and perseverance required to transform ideas into reality. Their cognisance of market needs and their ability to formulate creative solutions is indispensable to both start-up inception and progression.

Defining Your Employer Brand

An employer brand encapsulates a company's identity from the perspective of potential and current employees. It's the narrative that tells candidates why they should work for you. Building a compelling employer brand involves identifying your start-up's USPs and crafting a mission statement that resonates with your ideal candidates. This, combined with a consistent brand voice and visual identity, should be at the forefront of your recruitment efforts.

A well-articulated and genuine employer brand translates into a substantive competitive advantage. Organisations with clear employer branding stand out in the job market and are more likely to draw in job seekers who are not just qualified but also a cultural fit. Beyond this, treating employer branding as a strategic HR function ensures the brand aligns with business objectives, thus making it a powerful strategic lever.

Innovative Recruitment Strategies

Recruitment, historically grounded in personal networks and paper-based advertising, has been revolutionised by advancements in technology. The digital age has ushered in a new era where online job boards, applicant tracking systems, and professional networking sites such as LinkedIn dominate the industry. The transition to innovative strategies has been driven by the need for efficiency, precision, and scalability. Current trends, like remote hiring and a focus on employer branding, highlight the dynamic nature of recruitment in the contemporary business landscape.

Recruitment strategies have evolved with the advent of social media and digital networking. LinkedIn can be a treasure trove for professional connections, while platforms like Instagram and Facebook can channel your company culture to a wider audience. Employee referral programmes incentivise existing staff to recommend suitable candidates, bringing trust and a higher likelihood of cultural fit. Additionally, engaging with industry events and educational institutions can uncover fresh talent aligned with your start-up's ethos.

Crafting Compelling Job Descriptions

Job descriptions are the gateway to attracting candidates, thus; clarity in conveying role expectations and specificity in responsibilities is crucial. Equally important is to embed your company values within the listing and use inclusive language to cast a wider net for diverse talents who can enrich your start-up's innovation capacity.

The crafting of a job description is akin to a fine art, requiring careful consideration of its various components. A clear job title avoids misunderstandings, while an engaging company narrative can showcase the ethos of an organisation. An articulate role summary provides a glimpse into the position's essence, and well-defined responsibilities offer clarity. A rundown of skills and qualifications lays the groundwork for candidate expectations, and an insight into desired characteristics helps in assessing cultural fit. Transparency in discussing salary and benefits stands as a contentious yet vital aspect, and clear application instructions round off the jobdescription, providing a smooth pathway for potential applicants.

The Interview Process

The interview process should not only assess the technical skills of candidates but also reflect cultural compatibility. Incorporating practical tasks can provide a clearer picture of a candidate’s capabilities. Regardless of the outcome, ensuring a positive experience leaves a lasting impression and maintains your company's positive image in the job market.

Offering Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Competitive compensation and benefits are cornerstones of a successful business, serving not only as a tool for recruitment but also as a mechanism for employee satisfaction and retention. In this informative blog, we will dissect the complexities of effectively structuring compensation and benefits from an employer's perspective. Specifically tailored for business leaders and HR professionals, our objective is to provide a comprehensive guide that navigates the intricate landscape of employee rewards.

Understanding market rates is essential to construct competitive compensation packages that attract top talent without jeopardising financial sustainability. In addition to monetary benefits, offering flexible workings arrangements, professional development opportunities, and unique perks aligned with your culture can also be highly compelling.

A strategic approach to compensation and benefits is instrumental in fostering a motivated workforce. Well-structured rewards not only create a culture of recognition and appreciation but also significantly reduce turnover rates by ensuring that employees feel valued and fairly compensated.

Fostering Growth and Development Opportunities

For many top talents, the ability to grow within a company is a significant drawcard. Establish a framework for professional development that encourages innovation and ownership among employees, underpinning career progression and personal growth.

Professional growth and development in the workplace are vitally important aspects of any successful business. For employees, these opportunities represent pathways to job satisfaction and career progression, leading to a more fulfilling work experience. Employers also stand to benefit, as an environment rich in growth prospects often translates to heightened productivity and employee retention, reducing the costs associated with high turnover. Despite its proven advantages, the current landscape of professional development is competitive, with diverse approaches to nurturing talent.

Building a Supportive Work Environment

Strike an optimal balance between work and personal life to enhance job satisfaction. Mental health support, cultivating open communication, and encouraging collaboration can all contribute to a healthy work environment and high employee retention rates.

A supportive culture is critical for fostering growth. Encouraging employees to learn not only from successes but also from failures, and recognising their achievements, instils a growth mindset that benefits both the individual and the company. Leadership's role is pivotal in this respect; by embodying development-values and providing coaching, leaders can significantly influence and nurture a culture that places a premium on progress and learning.

Leveraging Technology in Recruitment

Technological advancements such as ATS, recruitment software, as well as AI and machine learning, can significantly improve efficiency and effectiveness in the recruitment process. Not only do these tools streamline hiring, but they also augment candidate engagement and sourcing.

The incorporation of technology in recruitment yields myriad benefits. Efficiency is enhanced via the automation of menial tasks, thus enabling talent acquisition teams to focus on more strategic responsibilities. Additionally, the quality of hires improves through data-driven insights that allow for a more objective candidate evaluation process, reducing unconscious bias. The culmination of these advantages leads to a cost-effective recruitment model that acts to optimize both time and financial resources.

Legal Considerations and Compliance

Recruitment is not just about finding the right fit; it's also about compliance with employment laws. Ensuring practices are non-discriminatory and keeping abreast of legislation changes is a must for any responsible employer.
The recruitment field, being highly regulated, demands a robust understanding of legal components to ensure adherence to various laws and guidelines. Key areas such as employment law, data protection, anti-discrimination measures, and industry-specific regulations will be discussed to equip recruitment firms with the knowledge necessary for navigating this complex legal domain.

Measuring Recruitment Success

To continually improve the hiring process, start-ups must define and assess clear metrics of recruitment success. Analysing trends and feedback from new hires and unsuccessful candidates provides invaluable insights into further refining recruitment strategies.

In the highly competitive business landscape, the role of effective recruitment is pivotal to organisational success. With talent being a key driver of innovation and growth, mastering the art of talent acquisition can provide a significant competitive edge. However, organisations often grapple with understanding whether their hiring efforts yield the desired outcomes. This blog aims to demystify the complexities of measuring recruitment success, offering a practical framework to assess and improve hiring strategies.

About Inspire People

We believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better and we love working with businesses whose technology or purpose has a positive impact. We help businesses that share our vision access the people, resources and strategic advice they need to achieve their digital transformation goals

Our service is designed to accelerate your digital growth. We created our offer in response to emerging challenges in an uncertain business landscape: a blend of Advisory, Talent and Project led services that will help you achieve your strategic aims and deliver more for your employees and customers. We’ll connect you to rare specialist talent, experts and insight to help you navigate your biggest challenges and remain competitive in a changed world.

Get in touch today to discover how working with us could help you innovate and grow.
Speak to our expert team on +44(0)20 7871 8550 or email

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The Future of Femtech

The future of Femtech: How Technology is Revolutionising Women's Health


Femtech, a combination of "female" and "technology," refers to the use of technology to address women's health issues. It encompasses a wide range of products and services designed to improve women's health, from menstrual tracking apps to fertility solutions and telemedicine platforms. The importance of women's health cannot be overstated, as women have unique health needs that have often been overlooked or under-researched. Fortunately, technology is now playing a significant role in advancing and revolutionising women's health, leading to better outcomes and increased accessibility to care.

Historical context of women's health

Historically, women's health issues have often been neglected or dismissed. From the underrepresentation of women in clinical trials to the stigma surrounding reproductive health, there has been a lack of focus on addressing the specific needs of women in healthcare. However, the rise of Femtech in recent years has brought greater awareness and attention to these issues, leading to the development of innovative solutions and an increased focus on women's health in the healthcare industry.

Current state of Femtech

The current state of Femtech is robust, with a wide array of products and services available to women. From period-tracking apps that use AI to predict menstrual cycles to wearable devices that monitor fertility, Femtech is providing women with new tools to take control of their health. Successful Femtech companies such as Flo, a period tracker app, and Elvie, which offers pelvic floor trainers, have demonstrated the potential of Femtech to make a positive impact on women's health. However, the industry still faces challenges, including lack of funding and limited awareness among healthcare providers. The impact of technology on women's health advancements in wearable technology have allowed women to track their menstrual cycles and fertility with greater accuracy, providing them with valuable insights into their reproductive health. Telemedicine has also played a crucial role in providing women with access to healthcare services, particularly in remote or underserved areas. Additionally, AI and machine learning have shown promise in diagnosing and treating women's health issues, offering the potential for earlier detection and personalised treatment plans.

The future of Femtech

The future of Femtech is promising, with predictions pointing towards continued growth and innovation in the industry. As Femtech continues to evolve, it has the potential to significantly impact women's health outcomes by improving access to care and empowering women to take charge of their health. However, there are also ethical considerations and potential risks associated with the increasing use of technology in women's health, such as data privacy and ensuring the accuracy and reliability of health information. The role of government and healthcare institutions in supporting Femtech Policies and regulations related to Femtech will play a crucial role in shaping the industry's future. Government support and funding for Femtech start-ups will be essential in driving innovation and expanding access to women's health solutions. Collaboration between Femtech companies and healthcare providers will also be essential in ensuring that Femtech products and services are integrated effectively into the healthcare system.

The importance of inclusivity in Femtech

Inclusivity is a critical consideration in the development of Femtech products and services. It is essential to address the needs of diverse populations of women, including those from different cultural backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses. Overcoming biases and stereotypes in women's health is also vital in ensuring that Femtech is accessible and relevant to all women, regardless of their circumstances.

Case studies and success stories in Femtech

There are numerous successful Femtech products and services that have made a significant impact on women's health. For example, the fertility tracking app Natural Cycles has been shown to be highly effective in helping women conceive. Additionally, the impact of Femtech on women's health in different regions, such as providing access to contraception in developing countries, demonstrates the potential of Femtech to address global health disparities.


In conclusion, technology is revolutionising women's health through the rise of Femtech. The potential for Femtech to make a positive impact on women's health outcomes is significant, and there is a clear need for continued support and investment in the industry. As Femtech continues to evolve, it holds the potential to revolutionise women's health and improve access to care for women around the world.

About Inspire People

We believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better and we love working with businesses whose technology or purpose has a positive impact. We help businesses that share our vision access the people, resources and strategic advice they need to achieve their digital transformation goals

Our service is designed to accelerate your digital growth. We created our offer in response to emerging challenges in an uncertain business landscape: a blend of Advisory, Talent and Project led services that will help you achieve your strategic aims and deliver more for your employees and customers. We’ll connect you to rare specialist talent, experts and insight to help you navigate your biggest challenges and remain competitive in a changed world.

Get in touch today to discover how working with us could help you innovate and grow.
Speak to our expert team on +44(0)20 7871 8550 or email

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10 Tips for Working with a Technology Recruitment Company

In an increasingly competitive job market, it’s often challenging to secure the technology role you desire. One way to help your prospects is to enlist the help of a technology recruitment company. Such companies can provide recruiters who have the expertise and resources to identify available job opportunities, and who can provide advice and guidance to help you land the perfect role.

Working with a technology recruitment company requires an understanding of best practices. Here are 10 tips to consider when engaging with professionals to help with your technology job search.

The purpose of this blog is to provide an overview of the best tips for working with a technology recruitment company. The tips in this blog cover everything from researching the company to knowing your strengths to handling rejection. We’ll also discuss the various benefits of working with a technology recruitment company.

Tip #1: Do Your Research

When considering working with a technology recruitment company, you should analyse their track record. Who have they worked with in the past? What kinds of technology roles have they successfully filled? Do they have experience with remotely staffed roles? Answering these questions will help you understand their capabilities.

In addition to researching the recruitment company, you should also investigate their recruitment process. What kind of screening do they do? How long do you have to wait to hear from them? Are there any deadlines to be aware of? Knowing the answers to these questions can help you prepare for the recruitment process.

Tip #2: Know Your Strengths

It’s important to have a clear understanding of your technical skills. Are you a specialist in a programming language? Are you able to troubleshoot computer networks? Are you familiar with databases? Being aware of your technical skills can help you target and land the right job.

You should also be aware of your soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving. Knowing how to articulate your ability to work with others to solve complex problems can be advantageous during the interview process.

Tip #3: Prepare Your Resume

When you submit your resume to a technology recruitment company, it’s important to make sure it’s accurate and up-to-date. Highlight any relevant experience you have with development, website design, or system administration. You should also use industry-specific keywords to describe your skills and experience. Doing so can help you stay more competitive in the job market.

Tip #4: Sell Yourself

Once you’ve submitted your resume, you need to be proactive. Don’t wait for the recruiter to contact you – reach out to them to ensure they’re aware of your interest.

Additionally, make sure to show your enthusiasm and passion for the role in the recruitment process. This can help set you apart from other candidates.

Tip #5: Show Interest in the Role

When you’re speaking with the recruiter, demonstrate that you understand the role and the company you’re applying for. For example, be prepared to discuss why you’re a good fit for the role, and any experience you have that can add value. You should also be prepared to ask the recruiter relevant questions.

Tip #6: Utilize Technology

Technology recruitment companies often use video interviews and online portfolios to engage applicants. Use the video to show that you’re professional and knowledgeable in your field. Additionally, use your online portfolio to showcase your best work and prove that you have the skills to fill the role.

Tip #7: Handle Rejection

Receiving a rejection from a technology recruitment company can be disheartening, but it’s important to remember that it’s not the end of the world. Don’t give up – think about refining your approach and continuing your search. Look for areas where you can improve your application in order to increase your likelihood of success.

Tip #8: Listen to the Recruiter

The recruiter is there to help you – listen to their advice and take it seriously. Show that you value their expertise. Ask questions to ensure you understand your roles and responsibilities. Knowing what to expect can help you make the most of the recruitment process.

Tip #9: Be Flexible

Some technology recruitment companies offer contract roles as well as full-time positions. Be open to this type of work if it’s available. Additionally, many companies offer remote working roles, so consider this option as well. Being flexible can help you find the right job.

Tip #10: Follow Up

Once the recruitment process is complete, thank the recruiter for the opportunity and provide any relevant feedback. Ask for feedback that you can use to improve your application for the next time. This will show that you value their advice and want to be successful in the future.


Working with a technology recruitment company is a great way to secure a technology job. You can benefit from the company's expertise and resources to position yourself as the best candidate for the job. The tips discussed in this blog will help you make the most out of the recruitment process.

By researching the technology recruitment company, understanding your strengths and weaknesses, refining your resume, expressing your enthusiasm, and following up, you put yourself in the best position to gain employment. Keep these tips in mind when engaging with a technology recruitment company, and you’ll be on your way to finding the perfect role.

About Inspire People

We believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better and we love working with businesses whose technology or purpose has a positive impact. We help businesses that share our vision access the people, resources and strategic advice they need to achieve their digital transformation goals

Our service is designed to accelerate your digital growth. We created our offer in response to emerging challenges in an uncertain business landscape: a blend of Advisory, Talent and Project led services that will help you achieve your strategic aims and deliver more for your employees and customers. We’ll connect you to rare specialist talent, experts and insight to help you navigate your biggest challenges and remain competitive in a changed world.

Get in touch today to discover how working with us could help you innovate and grow.
Speak to our expert team on +44(0)20 7871 8550 or email

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2024 Recruitment Trends To Watch Out For

2024 Recruitment Trends


At the forefront of the upcoming recruitment changes we will see the implementation of automation tools. Automation can help streamline the recruitment processes immensely, and make the process more efficient overall. The most useful of these tools are automated candidate sourcing and automated screening tools. With automated candidate sourcing, recruiters are able to use the power of algorithm-based programs to source and find the best-fitting candidates for positions. Automated screening tools are also used to streamline the recruitment process. Through automation, recruiters are able to analyse resumes quickly, helping them to efficiently find the best potential candidate and hire them quickly.

Candidate-Centric Approach

Employers are increasingly focusing on the "candidate experience" to attract and retain top talent. Employers are investing in employer branding and creating an image to show potential candidates why their organisation is the best place to work. Furthermore, employee experience platforms can give a strong insight into company culture and values, helping recruiters to engage with potential talent. Lastly, flexible work options have also become an attractive recruitment incentive, as many people are looking for jobs that are more flexible and work from home options.

Implemented Recruitment Trends

Developing a Recruitment Strategy

In order to stay ahead of the competition, organisations will need to develop a recruitment strategy that takes into consideration the upcoming 2024 recruitment trends. By developing a recruitment strategy, employers can ensure they utilise the best practices for selecting Talent. Additionally, technology such as AI and automation tools should be considered in the recruitment strategy.

Utilising Technology to Enhance Recruitment

Employers need to utilise candidate sourcing and screening tools to ensure they hire the right candidate quickly. Additionally, AI and automation tools can be used to assess candidates more accurately and efficiently. Furthermore, Employee experience platforms should be implemented to help employers to showcase their organisation's values and culture.

Training Recruitment Teams

Recruitment teams should be trained to assess candidates more accurately, using analytics and data to properly assess candidates. Furthermore, they should be trained to use candidate sourcing and screening tools, as well as Employee experience platforms to showcase the organisation's values and culture.


We are seeing an increase in automation and candidate-centric approaches. Employers should develop a recruitment strategy that takes these into consideration and how they can best be implemented. By doing so, employers can ensure they are ahead of the competition and attract and retain the best Talent.

About Inspire People

We believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better and we love working with businesses whose technology or purpose has a positive impact. We help businesses that share our vision access the people, resources and strategic advice they need to achieve their digital transformation goals

Our service is designed to accelerate your digital growth. We created our offer in response to emerging challenges in an uncertain business landscape: a blend of Advisory, Talent and Project led services that will help you achieve your strategic aims and deliver more for your employees and customers. We’ll connect you to rare specialist talent, experts and insight to help you navigate your biggest challenges and remain competitive in a changed world.

Get in touch today to discover how working with us could help you innovate and grow.

Speak to our expert team on +44(0)20 7871 8550 or email


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The Impact Of AI On Recruitment

What is AI in Recruitment? The Fundamentals

Artificial intelligence, or “AI”, is a machine’s ability to perform cognitive functions similar to that of the human mind, such as perceiving, learning, and reasoning. There are many different types of artificial intelligence in the modern world and many sub-sections in the AI landscape.

For instance, machine learning (ML) systems can learn and adapt using data, without having to follow explicit instructions. Natural Language Processing (NLP) solutions can understand and categorise written and spoken language and respond to human commands.

In the tech recruitment landscape, various forms of AI can streamline and automate aspects of the recruitment process. AI can help recruiters source candidates, by rapidly searching through databases of information, and assist in analysing CVs and job applications.

Currently, 88% of companies worldwide are using AI in some form for the HR and recruitment process, and adoption is growing at a rapid pace.

Types of AI Tools in Recruitment

As new forms of AI emerge in the workplace the potential of AI in recruitment is evolving. While there are many different forms of AI available to tech recruiters, some of the most common types used in today’s landscape include:

• Screening software: Screening software, such as ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) can assess CVs and look for candidates that match a position’s requirements. They can scan for keywords, specific skills, or tech certifications, and rank resumes based on relevance.

• Online interviewing tools: AI interviewing tools can help recruiters collect more data during a candidate interview. AI software can automatically analyse speech patterns, body language, and facial expressions, to tell teams more about a candidate’s behaviour.

• Outreach tools: Automated outreach tools allow businesses to send messages and information to numerous candidates at once. With one click, you can send out links, surveys, and job offers to a variety of candidates, or schedule an interview.

• Chatbots: 41% of companies now use chatbots as part of the recruitment process, to answer candidate questions, provide feedback on the interview process, or keep candidates informed about the progress of their application.

The Benefits of AI in Hiring and Recruitment

AI may still be in its early stages within the tech recruitment landscape, but it’s already demonstrating a host of potential benefits. Early adopters of AI-powered recruitment software say the technology has reduced their cost per screen by 75%, and their turnover by 35%

When used to support and augment recruitment teams, artificial intelligence can improve efficiency, performance, and productivity. The biggest benefits include:

Efficiency and Time Savings

Recruitment is a lengthy and time-consuming process, which often involves a lot of manual work. The recruitment role epitomises the concept of searching for a needle in a haystack. Sorting through candidates and screening resumes takes a lot of effort, with the average recruiter spending up to 30 hours per week on administrative tasks alone.

AI tools in the tech recruitment space can automate a number of repetitive tasks, saving crucial time. They can sort through thousands of resumes in an instant, and identify qualified candidates. Some tools can respond to candidate questions instantly, and even help schedule interviews based on shared calendar information.

This helps HR teams spend more of their time on strategic tasks, such as connecting with candidates, assessing cultural fit, and promoting an employer brand.

Improved Candidate Matching

The best tech recruiters are becoming increasingly data-driven. Rather than shortlisting candidates based on gut feeling, they analyse crucial information about each candidate, to determine a candidate’s capacity to thrive in a specific role.

AI solutions can assist with this process. They can process vast amounts of information, and help recruiters determine which candidates have the right skills, experience, and characteristics for a position. Screening tools can even rank candidates based on their proficiency for a role.

This also saves recruiters time comparing candidate resumes and creating shortlists for business leaders to assess. Some AI tools can even help tech recruiters choose candidates who are more likely to fit well into a company’s culture, reducing the risk of rapid turnover.

Diversity and Inclusion

Though recruiters and businesses are becoming more aware of the impact of bias in the hiring process, biases, and preconceptions can sometimes creep into the recruitment process. They can influence tech hiring decisions, prompting companies to prioritise/prioritize candidates based on factors that aren’t relevant, such as race, age, or gender.

79% of HR professionals admit that unconscious biases influence recruitment-related decisions. This results in poor hiring choices and can damage a company’s diversity.

When utilised correctly, AI tools can help to counteract bias reducing subjectivity in the hiring process.

AI can use standardised strategies to assess candidates based on the most relevant factors, such as skills and experience. It can eliminate subjective factors from the recruitment process, leading to a more diverse, and equitable hiring strategy.

The Drawbacks and Ethical Considerations

As valuable as AI can be in the recruitment strategy, it’s not without its issues. Though AI algorithms are becoming more advanced, they make mistakes. They can overlook important data, adopt the biases of the humans that train them, and even present privacy and security issues.

When using AI in the tech recruitment process, innovators need to be aware of:

Bias and Fairness

When used correctly, AI can help to reduce biases in the recruitment process. However, it’s also subject to bias itself. Bias in AI recruiting has become a major point of discussion in recent years, as AI systems are often influenced by the people who train and build them.

If the data fed to an AI solution is biased, the system itself becomes less objective. For instance, a technician might provide a screening tool with a set of resumes to train it on what features to look for in a candidate. If all of those resumes are for men, the AI tool would be more likely to look for male candidates when creating shortlists.

The issues with AI bias have created significant controversy over the years. Some candidates have even sued companies, saying that they were rejected from a role based on race, age, or disabilities.

Data Privacy

AI is powered by data. To create a powerful and effective AI system, tech leaders need to provide an algorithm with huge volumes of data to learn from. Unfortunately, this can lead to issues with data privacy regulations.

Companies might use personal candidate data to help train an AI system to look for specific information about future candidates. They may find systems hold or store information for too long, or use it in unethical ways.

To comply with data protection regulations, such as GDPR, businesses using AI in recruitment need to ensure they understand where data is stored, how it is used, and which data is processed by their technology. Many companies have yet to put proper data safeguards in place, which could lead to data breaches, fines, and reputational damage. 

Transparency and Accountability

As AI is still a relatively new concept for many recruitment/search companies, it isn’t always easy to determine how and why certain systems make specific decisions. This has led to an increased focus from ethical AI regulators on “explain ability”. Experts in the tech recruitment/search companies need to be able to explain why their AI systems work in a specific way.

Even if an AI solution is responsible for screening and shortlisting candidates, the recruitment company is still accountable if something goes wrong. When working with AI solutions, recruiters and business leaders need to determine how transparent the AI decisions are, and what measures are being taken to mitigate bias.

This isn’t always simple for those who don’t have a deep existing knowledge of the AI landscape and how certain algorithms work.

The Human Element in AI-Enabled Hiring

Perhaps the biggest mistake companies make when implementing AI into the recruitment process is assuming that intelligent tools can completely eliminate the need for human experts. AI is a resource, capable of augmenting and supporting human beings.

The ideal AI-enabled hiring process will use intelligence to complement human expertise, not replace tech recruiters from the process.

Ultimately, in the world of talent acquisition, the human touch still plays a vital role in a successful recruitment process. While automation and AI can revolutionise various aspects of hiring, the importance of empathy and understanding provided by humans is paramount.

56% of candidates say they believe AI should never make hiring decisions without human input. After all, it’s the human experience and empathy of an expert recruiter that leads to more effective choices. Empathy allows recruiters to understand a candidate’s motivations, challenges, and unique circumstances, and deliver a more powerful candidate experience.

Because they empathise with candidates, tech recruiters can address their concerns throughout the hiring journey, tailor the experience to their needs, and provide relevant guidance. This leads to a stronger employer brand and deeper connections between employers and candidates.

Moreover, human interactions throughout the recruitment process address a candidate’s need for individualised support and personalised attention.

While technology can streamline aspects of the talent acquisition process, it lacks the nuanced understanding and emotional intelligence human beings possess. The personalised approach recruiters bring to the process helps candidates feel more connected to the organisation, increasing their chances of accepting job offers.

What’s more, it also enables recruiters to properly assess cultural fit, and the potential a tech candidate has for long-term success within a company.

The Future of AI in Recruiting and Hiring

While AI will never fully eliminate the need for human input during the recruitment process, innovations in the AI world are introducing new ways to augment and enhance hiring strategies. As mentioned previously, AI systems are now evolving at an incredible rate.

The rise of more advanced machine learning models and even generative AI is leading to new opportunities for tech recruiters to boost efficiency and productivity.

Emerging trends in the industry include:

• Voicebots: Evolutions in natural language processing and understanding are leading to the development of voicebots that can help screen candidates. They can rapidly capture information, respond to candidate questions, and capture data for recruitment teams.

• Interview scheduling: Modern AI solutions can help to improve the scheduling process. They can use calendar information and data about time zones to suggest potential interview times that work for both candidates and recruiters, reducing administrative work.

• AI video interviewing: Used in the video interview process, AI solutions can help recruiters identify desirable characteristics based on traits like a candidate’s pacing, eye contact, and body language. They can also help improve clarity, by transcribing spoken content.

• Gamified assessments: With AI, companies can create unique gamified assessments to help detect a candidate’s proficiency in certain areas. AI solutions can evaluate a candidate’s performance in certain areas and score their skills in a standardised format for recruiters.

As AI continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly streamline a number of tasks in the recruitment process, from sourcing candidates to assessing their skills. However, no matter how advanced this technology becomes, it will always be crucial to include human beings in any decision-making.

Preparing for an AI-Driven Future: Best Practices

Though there are still challenges to overcome in the world of AI recruitment, it seems likely that intelligent tools will play a greater role in the hiring process going forward.

Already, 92% of HR professionals believe AI is helping them to save time on administrative tasks.

However, companies planning on using AI will need to ensure they have the right strategy in place to avoid potential biases and issues.

When leveraging AI in the tech recruitment landscape, consider the following:

1. Focus on what AI Does Best

AI isn’t a catch-all solution for all recruitment issues. Different AI tools have different use cases, but fundamentally, the technology is most effective at managing and assessing data. AI shouldn’t be used to make decisions that require the ethical and empathetic input of a human being.

Instead, companies should use AI to empower and augment recruitment experts. This could mean automating repetitive tasks, like answering candidate questions or scanning through CVs for specific skills or keywords.

AI is fantastic at streamlining time-consuming, mundane tasks, such as scheduling interviews, identifying skills gaps among current employees, or assessing applicant materials. Human beings, on the other hand, are best at communication, empathetic assessment, and creativity.

2. Be Transparent

Transparency is crucial for any tech company using AI in the recruitment process. As new laws and regulations are introduced to govern the fair use of AI, companies will need to ensure they’re adhering to the laws in their countries.

A growing number of local governments now require companies to tell applicants when they’re using AI for hiring. Most of these laws also require recruiters to ask for consent from candidates if they’re going to use their data for training purposes.

Even if your business isn’t subject to certain AI laws yet, transparency can help to improve your employer brand and put candidates at ease. Reassuring candidates that they will maintain control over their data paves the foundations for a positive relationship, built on trust.

3. Maintain Hiring Etiquette When Using AI

One of the biggest complaints both candidates and recruiters have about AI is that it can dehumanise the hiring process. That’s why it’s so important to think about hiring etiquette throughout the recruitment journey.

It may be fine to use AI’s capabilities to reduce administrative tasks during the early stages of the tech recruitment process. For instance, you could use AI to rapidly respond to candidates and let them know you’ve received their application.

However, companies shouldn’t depend on AI to interact with candidates in the later stages of the hiring journey. Personalised and authentic communication with human beings is still essential to building strong relationships and positive candidate experiences.

4. Understand the Drawbacks and Limitations of AI

When used properly, AI can help with a lot of components in the recruitment process. It can help to remove bias when filtering through candidates, and streamline repetitive tasks. However, there are also dangers to relying on AI too much in your hiring strategy.

For instance, AI has been proven to exhibit bias in the past, as a result of the information engineers feed into the algorithms. It can exclude specific races or genders from the hiring process, simply because it hasn’t been exposed to enough data about different people.

Additionally, AI can store and use data in a way that’s considered unethical, or dangerous. With this in mind, tech companies must ensure they’re conducting frequent quality control tests, to measure the outcomes of using AI tools against their DEI goals. 

5. Test and Readjust Regularly

AI is constantly evolving and changing. If your AI recruitment software fails to find candidates in the tech landscape that match your needs, it’s unlikely that the number of valuable candidates has suddenly dropped. Instead, there’s a good chance your AI solutions need adjustment, or an experienced recruiter is a better option because of their connections.

Even if you are finding excellent candidates with the help of AI tools, it’s worth conducting control tests at least a few times each year. Companies can perform human reviews of a randomised set of resumes for a recently filled role, to determine whether candidates are being missed out.

Human beings will be more able to identify important factors that contribute to the success of an employee in your business, such as cultural fit.

The Growing Impact of AI in Recruitment

It’s impossible to ignore the growing presence of artificial intelligence in the modern recruitment world. AI certainly has a number of benefits to offer tech recruiters and companies in search of top talent. It can streamline numerous administrative tasks and save teams significant time and effort in finding and connecting with candidates.

However, AI recruiting tools won’t remove the need for human recruiters. Effective talent acquisition relies on the experience, expertise, and empathy offered by human beings. Companies embracing AI for the future of recruitment need to remember these tools are only suitable for augmenting and supporting recruitment teams.

What’s more, it’s crucial for businesses to recognise the importance of using AI responsibly. There are various risks and dangers involved with relying too heavily on AI in the recruitment process. Business leaders and recruiters must ensure their use of AI doesn’t lead to bias, unethical practices, or issues with privacy and data security.

If you’re planning on using AI recruitment tools, start by improving your AI knowledge, learning as much as you can about the landscape, and building comprehensive strategies for success.

AI can be a powerful tool for tech hiring experts – but only when it’s used with care.

About Inspire People

We believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better and we love working with businesses whose technology or purpose has a positive impact. We help businesses that share our vision access the people, resources and strategic advice they need to achieve their digital transformation goals

Our service is designed to accelerate your digital growth. We created our offer in response to emerging challenges in an uncertain business landscape: a blend of Advisory, Talent and Project led services that will help you achieve your strategic aims and deliver more for your employees and customers. We’ll connect you to rare specialist talent, experts and insight to help you navigate your biggest challenges and remain competitive in a changed world.

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How To Handle Discrimination In The Tech Workplace

As tech talent shortages increase and employees demand more respectful, empathetic employers, you may assume discrimination in the workplace would be diminishing.

While it's true that many organisations are focusing more heavily on diversity, equity, and inclusion, workplace discrimination remains a persistent issue. More than a third of adults in the U.K. feel they've experienced discrimination at work. The issues aren't just limited to gender or race either, but age, background, culture, and more.

Workplace discrimination is illegal in most parts of the world; it places employers at risk of significant fines and legal action. Unfortunately, this doesn't prevent problems from happening. That's why tech employees need to know their rights.

Here's your guide to dealing with discrimination in the workplace.

Step 1: Know Your Rights – Defining Discrimination

Discrimination isn't always obvious. Sometimes, we overlook it completely. For instance, the HMRC found the gender pay gap increased by 2.9% in 2021, and many women still don't feel comfortable requesting a raise. Understanding how to recognise discrimination is crucial to ensuring you can fight for your rights.

Remember, discrimination can include:

• Direct discrimination: When someone is treated less favourably than others based on a characteristic such as gender, sexual identity, race, or age.

• Indirect discrimination: Where rules are implemented in a tech business intended for everyone, putting some people at a disadvantage. For instance, a rule that employees might have to travel worldwide at a moment's notice would discriminate against people with health issues or young children.

• Harassment: Verbal or physical abuse towards a person based on protected characteristics like race or gender. This includes sexual harassment, as well as racial profiling.

• Victimisation: When someone is treated unfairly after complaining about evidence of discrimination. For instance, you might be denied a promotion because you reported being harassed by a co-worker.

Step 2: Keep a Record of Incidents

Fighting back against workplace discrimination is easier when you have evidence. Although collecting this can be difficult, particularly when discriminatory interactions are verbal, keeping a record of every incident is crucial.

At the very least, it's worth keeping a journal or diary of everything that happens. Write down the statements said or what occurred and which people were responsible.

Include dates and times when the incidents occurred and as much detail as possible.

If there were witnesses to the event, list their names and consider whether you can ask them to share insights on your behalf.

Step 3: Raise the Problem Informally

Often, it's best to approach an issue of harassment or discrimination informally before you move on to further steps. Sometimes, your tech managers or business leaders can address the problem for you, saving you a lot of time and stress.

Determine who you should approach about the issue. If you have an H.R. team that deals with workplace conflicts, making an appointment for a meeting would be the first logical step. If you believe your manager can help with the issue, approach them first.

Present your concern with the evidence you've collected. Discuss your needs with the other person, and ensure they know you're prepared to take the issue further if necessary.

Step 4: Prepare to Raise the Problem Formally

If your H.R. team or manager can't address the issue for you, or the solution they suggest doesn't have the right results, you may need to be prepared to take extra steps.

Speaking to a lawyer or attorney may be a good idea here, as they can provide direction on presenting your case.

An experienced employment lawyer should be able to help you navigate the courts and find the best way to reach a settlement with your employer. They'll also assist with the more complex components of taking a discrimination case to the courts.

Step 5: Know What to Do Next

Remember, being treated poorly after you raise an issue with workplace discrimination is also its own form of discrimination and should not be permitted. If the issue is successfully rectified, you should be able to go back to your tech role without facing any additional problems.

However, if you notice the attitude towards you has changed, or you're being overlooked for promotions and opportunities, you may need to address the issue again.

If you feel uncomfortable in the workplace after the incident has been addressed, you might consider switching to a new job. Starting fresh could be a good way to ensure you can seek out the best company culture. If you want to move into a new role, consider working with a tech recruitment company that can help you find the best opportunities.

Don't Accept Discrimination

Raising issues in the workplace about discrimination or harassment can sound like a daunting prospect. Most of us prefer to avoid conflict whenever possible. However, it's important to remember that you have the right to work in a tech environment where you feel respected, appreciated, and comfortable.

You might even find that speaking up about discrimination helps inspire others in your workplace to walk the same path.

Though navigating a case of discrimination can be tricky, ensuring you can enjoy your career without fear is important.

About Inspire People

We believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better and we love working with businesses whose technology or purpose has a positive impact. We help businesses that share our vision access the people, resources and strategic advice they need to achieve their digital transformation goals

Our service is designed to accelerate your digital growth. We created our offer in response to emerging challenges in an uncertain business landscape: a blend of Advisory, Talent and Project led services that will help you achieve your strategic aims and deliver more for your employees and customers. We’ll connect you to rare specialist talent, experts and insight to help you navigate your biggest challenges and remain competitive in a changed world.

Get in touch today to discover how working with us could help you innovate and grow.

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Why Working Exclusively With a Tech Recruiter Is a Good Idea

As talent shortages continue to plague the tech landscape, it's easy to assume the best way of increasing your candidate pool is to work with multiple recruitment teams.

Many business leaders assume more recruiters means more qualified professionals to choose from. However, the reality is, working exclusively with a recruiter is far more effective and less risky.

Building a long-term relationship with a specialist recruitment agency that understands your company, talent needs, and culture paves the way to faster, more cost-effective hiring.

Here's everything you need to know about the benefits of pursuing an exclusive recruitment partnership for your tech company.

The Benefits of Exclusive Recruiter Partnerships

Vacancies in the tech industry are increasing exponentially as companies continue to evolve and talent becomes progressively scarcer.

Working with a specialist recruiter in your industry is one of the best ways to ensure you can accelerate your hiring process and find more of the right candidates. Creating an exclusive partnership with a recruiter means you can leverage the skills and expertise of a company committed to finding the right people for your roles.

Exclusive partnerships deliver:
• Greater efficiency: Speed is crucial for finding employees in a skills-short marketplace. A single recruiter means you only have one agency; you must provide the details of your job description, employee value proposition and culture. Additionally, your exclusive recruiter will commit to giving your brand their full attention, making you more likely to receive several pre-vetted candidates quickly.

• Better communication: As a business leader or hiring manager, you only have a limited amount of time to interact with recruiters. An exclusive recruiter gives you only one point of contact to worry about. You can build a rapport with your company over time and communicate more effectively about your needs and expectations.

• More relevant candidates: Because the communication between you and your exclusive tech recruiter will be improved, it will be easier for you to convey what you need from each candidate. Your recruiter will learn about your company and your talent needs so that they can pinpoint the best professionals for your team. You'll have fewer irrelevant C.V.s/Resumes to work through and receive higher-quality submissions.

• Time savings: Working with multiple recruiters requires a lot of additional work to manage. You'll need to sort through more applications, communicate with a higher number of people, and host more meetings. A single recruiter can commit to delivering excellent results with minimal demands on your time, so you can focus on growing your business and ensuring your existing team thrives.

• Preserved branding: Working with different recruitment agencies could mean each company presents the key aspects of your employer brand and employee value proposition differently. This can damage your reputation over time, confusing potential candidates and making it harder to attract the needed talent. A single recruiter will ensure the message you send your would-be employees remains consistent.

The Importance of Trust and Long-Term Partnerships

Not only does working with an exclusive tech recruiter improve your chances of quickly finding relevant candidates for your roles, but it can also deliver several other crucial benefits. When you commit to working exclusively with a recruiter, you tell them you depend on their service to grow your brand and invest in their expertise completely.

In turn, your exclusive tech recruitment company will commit to delivering the results you need so that they can preserve the mutually-beneficial relationship for as long as possible. If your recruiter knows they're competing with other companies to deliver candidates to your business, they're less likely to prioritise your needs over other clients.

If you're working exclusively with a tech recruiter, they know they must consistently prove their value to your company. They'll spend more time planning, screening, and interviewing candidates to ensure you get the right results. They'll also dedicate more time to collaborating with you and understanding your company's requirements.

This long-term business relationship will deliver compounding benefits over time as your recruiter learns more about your company culture and discovers new ways to find the talent you need.

As a bonus, you'll be able to avoid having to reiterate your hiring process to different agencies constantly.

The Risks of Working with Multiple Recruitment Companies

While working with a tech recruitment company can be a fantastic way to improve your hiring process, interacting with too many recruiters at once can lead to several challenges. Not only do you miss out on the trusting, long-term relationship you get with an exclusive recruitment partner, but you could find yourself dealing with challenges such as:

1. Increased Time

You may also need to invest more time sorting through applications, as you could end up with duplicate applications from the same candidate delivered by different recruitment companies.

Your disparate recruitment teams could waste time trying to screen the same employee twice, searching the same environments for passive and active candidates, and even posting your job descriptions on the same platforms and forums.

2. Miscommunication and confusion

Committing to a long-term relationship with an exclusive tech recruitment partner means collaborating consistently with the same team of professionals. Your recruitment team will work with you to understand exactly what you need from your candidates and how you want to portray your company and brand to potential employees.

On the other hand, if you're working with multiple recruiters, there's a chance that each agency could perceive your business and employer brand differently. This could lead to confusion among candidates, who see a different image of your business presented by each recruiter.

3. Risk of lost candidates

While many business leaders assume working with multiple recruiters will give them access to more tech candidates, the opposite may be true. You may lose access to crucial talent because your recruitment teams are wasting too much time on duplicated efforts rather than delivering an exceptional candidate experience.

Additionally, if your recruitment teams prioritise other tech companies over yours, they may present the same candidates to other employers due to the lack of an exclusive relationship. This could mean competing offers drive the right talent away from your team.

Choose Quality over Quantity

Ultimately, using multiple tech recruiters to fill the gaps in your talent pool might seem like a good idea at first, but it can create a range of challenges. From wasted time and money to reduced access to top talent, multiple recruiters can complicate your hiring process.

Working with an exclusive recruiter is the best way to ensure you can find the right talent for your vacant roles, with excellent communication, mutual trust, and lower costs.

 About Inspire People

We believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better and we love working with businesses whose technology or purpose has a positive impact. We help businesses that share our vision access the people, resources and strategic advice they need to achieve their digital transformation goals

Our service is designed to accelerate your digital growth. We created our offer in response to emerging challenges in an uncertain business landscape: a blend of Advisory, Talent and Project led services that will help you achieve your strategic aims and deliver more for your employees and customers. We’ll connect you to rare specialist talent, experts and insight to help you navigate your biggest challenges and remain competitive in a changed world.

Get in touch today to discover how working with us could help you innovate and grow.

Speak to our expert team on +44(0)20 7871 8550 or email

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What Can A Manager Do To Support Menopausal Employees

The technology landscape is evolving. Attracting, retaining, and empowering talented employees in today’s world requires business leaders to think about more than just buying the right technology or offering a competitive salary. There’s a growing focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, designed to ensure every employee can thrive in any workplace.

In recent years, many companies have begun investing more heavily in DEI initiatives, working with tech recruiters to connect with talent from a range of industries and environments.

However, there’s still a portion of the growing workforce that’s often overlooked.

Though the government is encouraging people over the age of 50 to transition back into the workplace, many technology organisations still don’t accommodate the needs of older employees. With age comes new challenges, one of the most common of which for women is menopause.

Approximately 75 to 80% of all women at menopausal age are still at work according to one study. Yet few organisations have specific policies and strategies in place to assist menopausal individuals in managing their symptoms, both physical and mental.

In an age of significant skill shortages and workplace transformation, companies can’t afford to overlook the benefits of making their environment welcoming and accessible to all employees, including those of menopausal age.

Menopause: What Every Technology Manager Needs to Know

Menopause is a completely natural occurrence, which happens after a woman has her last period. Usually, it takes place between the ages of 45 and 55. However, some people will experience menopause earlier than most, as a result of surgery, medical conditions, and other factors.

Menopause and perimenopause symptoms can have a significant impact on a person’s life, influencing their mood, cognition, and overall wellness. Common issues like hot flashes, caused by a decrease in oestrogen levels, can prompt migraines, anxiety, irregular body temperature, and more. Around 75% of women experience physical issues during menopause.

Notably, while most studies and reports on menopause symptoms and experiences focus on women, it’s worth noting it can be a far more wide-ranging issue. Men can be affected by “male menopause”, known as andropause. Additionally, menopause can also influence the quality of life of non-binary, and trans, people.

Menopause Symptoms

While Menopause is a common and natural occurrence in many people’s lives, it’s also something still not fully understood in the scientific world. Every individual can experience the process differently. Some may treat symptoms with hormone replacement therapy, while others rely largely on lifestyle changes to ease discomfort.

The symptoms of this transition can influence people on both a physical and psychological level and common issues include:
• Hot flashes or hot flushes
• Irregular periods
• Night sweats and insomnia
• Headaches or migraines
• Weight gain
• Mood changes (anger, depression, and anxiety)
• Joint stiffness and mobility issues
• Memory problems or loss of concentration

In women, the decrease of oestrogen associated with the menopause can also lead to a higher risk of other health issues, including heart attacks, stroke, and osteoporosis.

How Can Menopause Impact an Employee’s Work?

Technology managers need to be aware of the issues linked to the menopause, because it can have a significant impact on a person’s performance in the workplace.

Additionally, it’s worth noting the number of menopausal individuals in the workforce is growing. Currently, menopausal women are one of the fastest-growing workforcedemographics in a recent UK government report.

Sometimes, menopause will have very little impact on a person, aside from the occasional hot flush or moment of “brain fog”. However, the transitional period can have a significant impact on a person’s productivity, concentration, and performance levels.

Employees experiencing menopause may be more withdrawn in the workplace or may feel embarrassed dealing with regular sweating and hot flushes around other staff members.

Studies have even found that one in 10 women have quit work completely because of menopause symptoms that became unbearable.

Side effects of menopause can also make it harder for employees to work safely in any environment. They may need more support than other employees from time to time, may struggle to focus during certain episodes, and could even need to make changes to their working environment.

What Can a Technology Manager do to Support Menopausal Employees?

As a tech manager, you can take steps to make the workplace a more welcoming and comfortable place for individuals experiencing menopause. Making changes to your company culture, policies, and approach to dealing with menopausal staff can mean they’ll be more likely to stick with your business for longer.

1. Provide Guidance and Information

First, to truly support tech staff members going through the menopause, business leaders need to adjust their approach to discussing the topic. Many women don’t immediately recognise that they’re going through menopause, because it’s often something people don’t discuss.

Putting the information out there for employees to access, via a knowledgebase or intranet is an excellent way to educate and support your staff members. Ensuring employees know who they can talk to when they’re experiencing changes in their health can also make your workplace a more comfortable, and inclusive environment for every employee.

2. Train Managers and Supervisors

Managers and supervisors should be able to offer support, empathy, and guidance to tech employees dealing with menopause symptoms. Business leaders can assist in making the workplace a more welcoming environment, by training managers to listen sensitively to employee issues and respond accordingly to requests.

Employers should train all team leaders to ensure they know how menopause can affect individuals in the workplace, and what support and guidance the organisation can offer. Managers and supervisors should also know how to deal with menopause issues sensitively and fairly. They should be able to work with each employee to customise their workflow to their needs.

3. Conduct Health and Safety Checks

Many people are unaware Menopause can impact the safety of employees in the workplace. By law, tech employers are responsible for preserving the health and safety of all of their staff – including those working from home. As such, business leaders should be prepared to conduct risk assessments of their staff’s workplace and working processes.

For staff going through menopause, it’s important to ensure symptoms aren’t worsened by work practices or the workplace itself. Risk assessments could include examining the temperature and ventilation of the workplace, the material of the employee’s uniform, and their access to toilets and suitable rest locations.

Risk and safety assessments should be regularly reviewed to ensure the workplace remains healthy and supportive for all employees.

4. Find Practical Solutions to Issues

Since all technology employees can experience menopause differently, the best way to address the issues each team member is facing is with a dedicated discussion.

Managers and other business leaders should sit down with employees and discuss their most concerning symptoms. Together, they can come up with practical solutions to common problems.

For instance, it might be necessary to provide employees with new, more breathable uniforms to help with hot flushes or ensure they always have access to cold water and ventilation. For some staff members, it may be a good idea to consider more flexible working hours or remote and hybrid working strategies.

5. Develop Policies

To ensure staff feels fully supported in an technology environment, managers and business leaders should ensure policies are in place related to menopause. These policies should be shared throughout the entire organisation and be regularly reviewed and updated.

The policies you develop may vary, but they should highlight insights into how managers should deal with employees experiencing menopausal symptoms, and how they can offer support. The policies could also outline who will be responsible for ensuring the safety of employees dealing with menopausal symptoms.

Crucially, managers should also plan how to handle time-off requests, and absences caused by menopause. For instance, employees may need to adjust their hours from time to time to ensure they can go to appointments and get the right treatment for their symptoms.

6. Create Menopause and Wellbeing Champions

As demand for wellbeing in the workplace continues to grow, creating champions and individuals responsible for assisting others in protecting their physical and psychological health could be extremely helpful. Having a wellbeing champion at work, with in-depth knowledge of the menopause and its symptoms ensures staff has someone to reach out to when they’re encountering problems caused by menopause.

With support from these technology champions, employers, HR, and managers can run workshops to raise awareness, monitor health and safety risks, and even set up a support network for staff affected by the menopause transition.

How Can You Attract and Retain Valuable Talent?

Research in the current employment landscape indicates that menopausal symptoms have forced countless employees out of the workforce. People suffering from the menopause have delayed applying for promotions, and even avoided going back to work later in life.

In a skills-short tech environment, creating a workplace that’s supportive and comfortable for people experiencing menopause can be extremely beneficial. It ensures business leaders can access a wider range of talented professionals, and improve their reputation.

Attracting and retaining valuable talent in the aging workforce will require business leaders to:
• Rethink company policies: Allowing for flexible working, remote working, and other forms of employment will ensure menopausal individuals can manage their careers around their symptoms, without having to leave the workplace.
• Improve company culture: A company culture that’s supportive, open, and inclusive will ensure every member of staff feels respected and cared for, regardless of their physical or psychological symptoms.
• Listen to staff members: Employers and business leaders will need to listen more carefully to the issues staff members are facing during menopause, and look for new ways to improve their working experiences.

Working with a specialist technology recruitment professional will also ensure business leaders can create job opportunities that are attractive to people from all backgrounds, and of all ages. A recruitment expert will ensure job descriptions and new opportunities are designed with the needs of menopausal employees in mind. They can also help to promote your company’s roles to a wider range of diverse individuals.

About Inspire People

We believe that technology has the power to change the world for the better and we love working with businesses whose technology or purpose has a positive impact. We help businesses that share our vision access the people, resources and strategic advice they need to achieve their digital transformation goals

Our service is designed to accelerate your digital growth. We created our offer in response to emerging challenges in an uncertain business landscape: a blend of Advisory, Talent and Project led services that will help you achieve your strategic aims and deliver more for your employees and customers. We’ll connect you to rare specialist talent, experts and insight to help you navigate your biggest challenges and remain competitive in a changed world.

Get in touch today to discover how working with us could help you innovate and grow.

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ResolutionUsed to ensure the correct version of the site is displayed to your device.
SessionUsed to track your user session on our website.
Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.
Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is an analytics tool to measure website, app, digital and offline data to gain user insights.
Marketing Cookies are used for various purposes.
Tawk.toThis allows our Live Chat Functionality

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